Meeting of the International Electrokinetics Society


Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (School of Engineering)
Avenida Camino de los Descubrimientos S/N, Sevilla, Spain

The venue for ELKIN2024 will be the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSI) in Seville, Spain.  The ETSI is part of the largest innovation space in Seville, the Cartuja Science and Technology Park (PCT Cartuja), where more than 500 companies and startups, university and research centers, among others, coexist.

Throughout its more than 50 years of existence, the School has trained more than 17,000, numerous doctors, professors, etc. Channels have been established for relations and collaboration with other national and foreign universities, both for teachers and students. Currently, students of the school take some of their courses, within the framework of international exchange programs, in prestigious centers of other nationalities.

The ETSI currently has more than 6,000 students who are trained by 480 teachers, with the annual number of graduates exceeding 700 engineers